Dhritisha Bhagawati
4 min readJun 20, 2023


Photo was taken at a Pride March which was organized in Bangalore by Brookfield Properties India in association with Pride Circle


With my twenty-five years of existence, I have realized that technology is a boon and a bane. As a development professional in the sector of LGBT+ inclusion, I have always wondered how technology plays a key role in the holistic development of the LGBT+ community. The LGBT+ community faces various forms of marginalization and discrimination, which can have profound impacts on their well-being, social inclusion, and overall quality of life (Bajpai S., 2021). Deep-rooted social stigma against homosexuality and non-normative gender identities persists in Indian society. LGBT+ individuals often face discrimination, bullying, and social exclusion. This stigma can manifest in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and personal relationships. In recent years, technology has played a pivotal role in advancing social causes and empowering marginalized communities. One such community is the LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other gender identities and sexual orientations) community (Parwani, S., & Talukdar, A. K., 2023).

This article explores the ways in which technology has been harnessed to drive social impact and foster development within the LGBT+ community. From raising awareness to providing support networks, technology has revolutionized the landscape for LGBT+ individuals, enabling them to connect, advocate, and thrive.

Technology has provided a virtual platform for LGBT+ individuals to connect and build supportive communities. Online forums, social media groups, and dedicated websites offer safe spaces for sharing experiences, seeking advice, and finding a sense of belonging. These platforms help reduce isolation, provide valuable resources, and foster a sense of community for individuals who may face discrimination or lack support in their offline lives (Cocciolo, A., 2017).

The internet has democratized access to information, enabling LGBT+ individuals to find educational resources, support services, and legal rights documentation. Online platforms provide a wealth of information on topics such as coming out, understanding sexual orientations and gender identities, and navigating healthcare systems. Technology has made it possible for LGBT+ individuals to access critical knowledge, empowering them to make informed decisions and advocate for their rights (Bragg S. et. al., 2021).

Social media has become a powerful tool for LGBT+ advocacy and activism. Hashtags, online campaigns, and viral content have the ability to mobilize people, raise awareness, and challenge discriminatory practices. Technology has provided a platform for marginalized voices to be heard, fostering social change and putting pressure on policymakers to enact more inclusive laws and policies (Chauhan and Shukla, 2021).

It has also been instrumental in providing mental health support to the LGBT+ community. Mobile applications and online counseling services offer access to therapists and support networks, ensuring that individuals have resources at their fingertips. These platforms provide a safe and discreet environment for seeking help, particularly in regions where in-person support might be limited or stigmatized (Bowman et. al., 2020).

Technology has enabled LGBT+ individuals to prioritize their safety and security. Apps and websites provide tools for reporting hate crimes, finding LGBTQ+-friendly businesses and venues, and even tracking personal safety. In some regions, where expressing one’s sexual orientation or gender identity openly may be dangerous, technology allows individuals to connect with support networks while maintaining anonymity (Lang & Cheng, 2020).


Technology has transformed the landscape for the LGBT+ community, empowering individuals, and fostering social development. From building support networks to advocating for equal rights, harnessing technology has provided opportunities for connection, education, and activism. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to ensure that digital spaces remain safe, inclusive, and accessible for the LGBT+ community. By leveraging technology’s power, we can continue to drive positive change and promote a more inclusive society for all.

However, continued advocacy, legal reforms, and social awareness through technology are essential to address the deep-rooted issues and create a more inclusive and equitable environment for all individuals.

The above article was for people who have access to technology. There is a major chunk of the population who do not have access to technology or even the internet. My question to all my readers is-

“What about those LGBT+ individuals who do not have access to technology?”

#lgbtqcommunity #technology #inclusionanddiversity #inclusionforall #pride


Bajpai, S. (2021). Social Hostility towards the LGBT+ Community in India. Issue 3 Int’l JL Mgmt. & Human., 4, 5286.

Parwani, S., & Talukdar, A. K. (2023). Mental health of Indian LGBT+ community: role of coping self-efficacy and social inclusion. Mental Health and Social Inclusion.

Cocciolo, A. (2017). Community archives in the digital era: A case from the LGBT community. Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, 45(4), 157–165.

Bragg, S., Thomson, R., & O’Riordan, K. (2021). Digital Intimacies and LGBT+ Youth: Celebration, Equity and Safety.

Chauhan, G. S., & Shukla, T. (2016). Social media advertising and public awareness: touching the LGBT chord!. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 18(1), 145–155.

Bowman, S., Easpaig, B. N. G., & Fox, R. (2020). Virtually caring: A qualitative study of internet-based mental health services for LGBT young adults in rural Australia. Rural and Remote Health, 20(1).

Lan, M., & Cheng, Y. (2020, August). The Role of the Media in LGBT Rights Movements Around the World. In 2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2020) (pp. 418–422). Atlantis Press.



Dhritisha Bhagawati

MSW & PGP-DL post-graduate interested in research analysis, community & people engagement